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Dementia Services Schedule

Privacy and Confidentiality

Staff, clients and caregivers participating in Zoom recreation programs, education series and support groups are to abide by the following standards:
1. Information shared, including personal stories and conversations, are not to be discussed outside of the group environment.
2. Photos and videos, in whole or any part of the Zoom sessions, are not to be obtained by any participants. Please no photos or recordings!
3. Specific concerns shall be discussed through a private call, not in a group environment.
4. Staff and all participants will feel safe participating in an environment free of harassment, offensive language, or other behaviour deemed inappropriate by the day program staff.
5. Day program staff have authority to remove participants from the virtual group, if necessary.
6. Professional boundaries include avoiding the sharing of any personal information using networking or social media websites for communication.
7. If staff would like to record portions of sessions, all individuals will be notified in advance, informed of the purpose and asked if they wish to provide consent. The purpose of the recording will be given. Recordings will be destroyed after their purpose is served.

Safety and Encryption

The day program utilizes Zoom software for virtual programs, meetings and groups with the enhanced Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) standards. As additional levels of security, all Zoom programs, educations series and support groups are password protected and guests must be admitted by the host from a waiting room.

Despite having these safety levels in place, interacting and communicating on a virtual platform still has inherent risks, which all participants accept when joining the meeting(s).

If any participants wish to discuss the day program’s policies related to virtual programs and supports, please contact us.