Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is offered online using Zoom. The McCormick Enhanced Care Partner Education Series will both be offered in person and using Zoom. Descriptions of each series are listed below.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers Series
This six-week workshop provides helpful tips and information for Caregivers of people with dementia and addresses such areas as reducing personal stress, communicating effectively in challenging situations, caring for a spouse, managing transitions and making tough caregiving decisions. This course is delivered by McCormick Dementia Services social workers in cooperation with the South West Self-Management Program, and includes helpful instruction from an experienced Care Partner of someone with dementia. This course will be offered virtually using Zoom.
Date and Time
Dates – Mondays, Monday March 31st to Monday May 12th (no class on April 21st – Easter Monday)
Time – 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Location – Zoom
How to Register
Registration for each series is required as there are limited spaces available. To complete your registration, please contact our administrative assistant at 519-439-9336, ext. 2347.
McCormick Enhanced Care Partner Education Series
The Enhanced Care Partner Education series is a 10 week course that covers a variety of topics related to dementia education. Classes are facilitated by McCormick Dementia Services staff members as well as a variety of guest speakers. Three weeks are focused on practical communication strategies, three weeks are focused on understanding behaviours with practical strategies, two weeks are spent on learning strategies for meaningful activity engagement, and the final two weeks are focused on how to assist with personal care activities including dressing, bathing, eating, toileting and mobility.
Date and Time
Dates – Mondays, Monday April 7 – Monday June 23 (no classes on April 21st – Easter Monday, or May 19 – Victoria Day)
Time – 1 pm to 2:30 pm
Location – McCormick Dementia Services
How to Register
Registration for each session is required as there are limited spaces available. To complete your registration, please contact our administrative assistant at 519-439-9336, ext. 2347.