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Viewing Dementia Services (155)

Dementia Services Bulletins

Client and Care Partner Council

Client and Care Partner Committees What is the Client and Care Partner Council? The…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups


Along the dementia journey, we recognize that there are times when your individual needs…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups

McCormick Early Stage Support Group

Learning that you have dementia and experiencing the changes involved in its early stages…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups

McCormick Spousal Support Group

Living with a spouse who has dementia brings with it the unique challenges of…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups

McCormick Lewy Body/Parkinson’s Disease Care

This group addresses the particular challenges of caring for someone with Lewy Body/Parkinson’s Disease…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups

McCormick Frontotemporal Dementia Care Partner Support

Care partners of someone who has frontotemporal dementia will benefit from understanding the unique…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups

McCormick Care Partners Support Group

Making connections with other care partners of people with dementia helps to alleviate feelings…
Dementia Services Bulletins

McCormick Enhanced Care Partner Education

McCormick Enhanced Care Partner Education Practical Communication Strategies Communication is the most basic human…
Dementia Services Support/Zoom Groups

Other Dementia Support Group

Care partners of someone who has a type of dementia other than Alzheimer disease…
Dementia Services Articles

Relationship-Centred Care

Our Philosophy of Care At McCormick, the people in our care are at the…