Archives: Resources
Taking a Break
Wendie Bullen and her mother-in-law Joan enjoy the benefits of the overnight respite program…
Invigorating Outdoors
Chris Plested, the Home’s Manager of Environmental Services, assembles new flower beds as part…
Enhanced Support
Two new support services were developed this past year at McCormick Dementia Services.…
Annual “Art and Soul” Exhibits Celebrate the Creative Spirit
McCormick Home resident Donna Lackey proudly shares her contribution to the Art and Soul…
Annual Report 2017-2018
Sharing our Values…Together!
Members of the Quality of Work Life Action Team pose with Kathy Thompson, McCormick…
Morale Boosters
Results are in for the second phase of the research study of the effects…
Partners in Care
Ritz keynote speaker Lynda Robbins delivered an impactful story about the quality of care…
Financial Summary
The following information has been extracted from the audited financial statements of the McCormick…